Travel Industry Policies and Contracts

When operating a business in the travel industry, you need to have policies and contracts that protect your company against unnecessary liability. Although there are standardized documents available on the internet, those rarely incorporate all the information necessary to protect your organization.

Instead, you need travel industry policies and contracts that reflect your business goals and the specific conditions in which you operate. A skilled travel industry attorney can help you develop agreements, waivers, and guidelines that meet the needs of your business. Call The Ment Law Group, PC at 866-MENT-LAW to get started.

Mitigating Liability Through Policies and Contracts

Travel industry policies and contracts serve many purposes. They work to mitigate liability to third parties while guiding interactions among individuals and companies. Businesses in the travel industry need agreements to guide cooperation with consumers, vendors, and other third parties.

When the unexpected happens abroad, consumers often want to blame someone. As a travel agent, tour operator, or other company in the travel industry, you need to mitigate your liability through policies and contracts. A skilled attorney can evaluate your situation and help you develop documents that will serve your organization now and in the future.

Travel Industry Policies

When you provide services to the public, you need to develop policies that serve as guidelines for best practices while also establishing boundaries for acceptable behavior in a variety of situations. Both your employees and your customers will look to these policies to understand how to interact with your organization and the world around them as they travel.

Effective travel industry policies will:

  • Promote the growth of travel throughout the U.S. and abroad
  • Comply with government regulations
  • Create better travel experiences for your customers
  • Help customers understand acceptable behavior as they travel
  • Guide employees as they provide services to customers
  • Reduce negative and increase positive impacts on physical, social, and economic environments
  • Demonstrate your commitment to social and environmental best practices
  • Secure new and repeat business
  • Contribute to the overall culture of your organization
  • Avoid litigation and mitigate risk and liability
  • Convey your organization’s mission
  • Enable the execution of your business strategy

A knowledgeable lawyer can help you develop travel industry policies that meet the goals of your organization. The Ment Law Group, PC has worked with airlines, travel agencies, tour operators, hotels, and an array of other travel companies and hospitality groups.

Travelers’ Code of Conduct

One of the most helpful polices that you can arm your customers and employees with is a Travelers’ Code of Conduct. This travel industry policy will help travelers understand expectations of them. It can also prepare travelers for interaction with your employees and people who live in the places to which they travel.

Your Travelers’ Code of Conduct should:

  • Encourage mutual understanding and respect between peoples and societies
  • Support individual and collective fulfillment of wants and needs
  • Serve as a foundation for sustainable development
  • Encourage understanding of cultural heritage
  • Promote travel as a beneficial activity for host communities
  • Establish obligations of stakeholders in tourism development
  • Support the rights of workers in the tourism industry
  • Implement principles of a code of ethics for tourism

Developing a Travelers’ Code of Conduct will not only help your customers, but also support your organization. You can present information to travelers about how to interact with their host communities as well as tourism industry workers. This allows you to guide the activities and behaviors of those who seek services from your company.

Travel Industry Contracts and Agreements

All businesses must develop contracts and agreements to guide their interactions with customers, vendors, and other third parties. These documents work to mitigate risk and liability while helping all parties understand expectations. It’s important to develop these documents with the help of a trusted legal advisor. The Ment Law Group, PC understands your need to create contracts with terms and conditions that meet your needs.

Your travel services agreements should discuss specific information and situations. Boilerplate contracts may not fully address your company’s needs. You need to develop tourism terms and conditions that address the environment in which you operate your business.

We can help you develop accurate and legally enforceable contracts and agreements, such as:

  • Tour agreements
  • Arranged tour contracts
  • Travel services contracts
  • Tour operator contracts
  • Travel agency contracts
  • Vendor contracts
  • Independent agent and contractor agreements
  • Employment contracts
  • Liability waivers
  • Special provisions for tickets, accommodation coupons, and more
  • Change and cancellation contracts
  • Travel fee contracts
  • Group tour arrangements

Meet our Attorneys

Jeffrey L. Ment

Jeffrey L. Ment

Meet Jeff

Misty R. Percifield

Misty R. Percifield

Meet Misty

Kristin Shubert

Kristin Shubert

Meet Kristin