Compensation for Injured Police Officers

Police and other law enforcement personnel spend every day keeping people safe. These brave men and women put themselves in harm’s way whenever a call comes in. However, when they are injured, either on the job or in an accident while away from work, they face significant difficulty. You do not need to go through this alone.

There are options for injured officers in Connecticut and New York. At The Ment Law Group, PC, our lawyers for police officers will use every available resource and decades of legal experience to secure the compensation that you deserve. Our workplace injury lawyers can help you to understand all your legal options if you were injured on the job.

Call us today at 866-MENT-LAW or submit a request online to schedule a free, no risk consultation with an attorney. We are dedicated to offering our services to injured officers, wherever is most convenient for you.

Common Injuries in Law Enforcement

Due to the dangerous nature of your employment, you are far more susceptible to workplace injuries. If you work in law enforcement and sustain a serious injury on the job, you will be confronted with a confusing workers’ compensation system to navigate, lost wages, lost overtime, issues involving light duty, and medical expenses. If a family member tragically lost their life on the job, the family members left behind may face significant financial and emotional challenges.

At The Ment Law Group, PC, we realize that while doing your job as a member of law enforcement, you will undoubtedly face countless hazards. Some of the most common include:

  • Physical attacks and violent encounters
  • Car accidents during pursuits or collisions while on the side of the road
  • Stress related issues and mental health concerns related to the daily stress of the job, including PTSD after disturbing events
  • Exposure to dangerous materials, including chemicals used to manufacture certain drugs

We believe in every case that we take on and will aggressively pursue the compensation that you and your family deserve. With a track record of success and dedication, we handle a variety of workplace injury cases on behalf of officers across Connecticut and New York, including but not limited to:

  • Broken bones
  • Traumatic brain injury (TBI) and spinal cord damage
  • Repetitive motion injuries
  • Heart issues and hypertension
  • Neck, back, or shoulder injuries
  • Burn or fire injuries
  • Firearm Injuries
  • On-the-job traffic accidents
  • Post-traumatic stress
  • Slip-and-fall injuries
  • Wrongful death
  • Post-concussion syndrome
  • 9/11 related diseases

The sudden loss of a loved one can also result from an incident on the job. This can be particularly difficult, as grieving family members are sometimes left behind without financial or emotional support. At The Ment Law Group, PC, we realize that no amount of compensation can replace the loved one that you lost in the line of duty, but if your situation calls for a wrongful death claim, we can help secure the relief and closure that your family will need to move on. Certain special death benefits exist under our laws to benefit survivors of law enforcement officers and we know how to file the necessary claims.

Legal Options Available to Injured Officers

Law enforcement officers certainly understand the risks associated with their profession; however, it is virtually impossible to be prepared for every scenario or in the case of a serious workplace injury. That makes it critical to discuss all your legal options with a knowledgeable injury lawyer with considerable experience representing members of law enforcement.

If you’ve suffered an injury while on the job, you may be able to pursue:

Workers’ Compensation for Officers
Whenever a law enforcement professional is injured while discharging their duties, regardless of if it involves breaking up a fight or being struck by a careless driver while on patrol, the officer may file a claim for workers’ compensation. These benefits are designed to allow injured workers a way to cover their medical expenses and other bills, so they can recover. By having a system in place, this lets officers recuperate without the need for long, drawn-out lawsuits against their department.

Workers’ comp benefits for police and other officers can include coverage of the costs related to your work-related injury as well as for lost wages and disability benefits if you cannot return to work or are placed on restricted duty. Workers’ compensation also provided survivor benefits in the event that an officer is killed on the job.

While this process can seem clear cut and its intention is to reduce the complications for an injured officer, filing a workers’ comp claim as a member of law enforcement can still be a confusing and intensive process. There will be large stacks of medical reports and other documentation to review, hearings to attend, and in some cases medical experts may need to testify to the validity of your claim. By working with a skilled attorney who is mindful of your time and injuries, you can more effectively manage the situation.

Third Party Lawsuits for Officers
Even though workers’ compensation claims prevent officers from filing lawsuits against their respective agency or department for on-the-job incidents, there may be occasions where a third party is liable for your injuries. For instance, if you are in your patrol car and another driver causes an accident, then you may be able to file a third-party lawsuit and recover compensation from the at-fault driver. In Connecticut, we recently won a Supreme Court case that expanded the rights of police officers to bring claims against the responsible party. To read the decision in Lund v. Milford Hospital, click here.

In motor vehicle collision cases for police officers, we routinely file uninsured or underinsured motorist claims when the offending vehicle either has no or not enough insurance.

These types of personal injury cases are a viable option to obtain compensation outside of a workers’ comp claim; however, proving liability and negligence can be challenging. Third –parties are often represented by large insurance providers with teams of lawyers. It is always best to discuss the facts of your case with an experienced attorney.

Personal Injury Cases Outside of Work

Because The Ment Law Group, PC is dedicated to representing police officers and other law enforcement personnel in any situation they may need, we also take cases related to personal injuries that occur outside of work. These cases may arise from accidents or negligent or reckless actions of an individual or company. We can help you with the following types of personal injury claims:

  • Car accidents – Wrong way drivers, distracted drivers, drunk drivers, fatigued drivers, pedestrian accidents, bicycle accidents, and others
  • Truck accidents – Spilled load accidents, drowsy truckers, intoxicated truck drivers, rollover accidents, underride and override accidents, and others
  • Motorcycle accidents – Distracted drivers, speeding accidents, visibility issues, and others
  • Premises liability – Slips & falls, broken stairs, cracked sidewalks, swimming pools, etc.
  • Product liability – Injuries from defective household products, toys, vehicles, medical devices, equipment, machinery, and more
  • Medical malpractice – Misdiagnosis, birth injuries, hospital errors, physician errors, pharmacist mistakes, anesthesia problems, and more

Meet our Attorneys

Jeffrey L. Ment

Jeffrey L. Ment

Meet Jeff

Misty R. Percifield

Misty R. Percifield

Meet Misty

Kristin Shubert

Kristin Shubert

Meet Kristin